Amoo Daniel
6 min readNov 30, 2023


Image captured by Hicees Media

*A story narrated by Tobi, based on true-life events.

As an adult navigating the low social battery that comes with working remotely while living in the corridors of Lagos, Nigeria, time is a precious commodity. In the limited time I have during my youthful days, I find myself juggling the demands of finding both financial stability and personal happiness. In the midst of this balancing act, I yearn to experience love, or at least the thrill of lust.

Tolu and I finally linked up after almost 2 years of texting, sexting, and engaging in mutual flirtation. The journey to this point had been tantalizing and long, and our imaginations ran wild with the possibilities of spending quality time together. We had teased each other with fantasies of our first meeting, and our bodies longed for each other in this scorching Nigerian sun. Out of all the places suitable for our first link up, we chose her alma mater, during their convocation, as the setting for our first encounter.

At first I was bothered about the location but see, Tolu is the only daughter in a family of 5, and she is monitored closely by her introverted mum. Tolu couldn’t think of a better location, than somewhere her mum was comfortable with. It was easy to bring up going to her alma mater during their convocation to celebrate with old friends as a valid excuse to leave home.

I left my house at about 11am impeccably dressed in a sleek blue native attire that accentuated my form, adorned with elegant silver cufflinks that secured the extended sleeves. My feet were clad in meticulously polished black leather palm sandals, and I completed the ensemble with a pair of stylish dark sunglasses to complement the look, oozing the aura of a real dark-skin yoruba demon. I was sure of getting some shugar, and I wanted to get it in style. As I arrived at the location, the air was filled with the sounds of cheer and the unrhythmic beats of drums, emanating from the 200-plus tents scattered around. I was at a vantage point, scanning the area for Tolu like a police man looking for a yahoo boy.

Then, I heard a voice from my left, “Hey booooooo!!” It was a 5'6" chubby lady, wearing a knee-length red and white horizontally striped gown, eagerly walking up the hilly slopes with her hands separated, preparing for a hug. Her rich ebony complexion radiating warmth under the sun. “Hi Hun!!”, I replied as we closed the gap between us. She hugged me tightly like how someone would be holding a phone when walking the streets of computer village, perhaps the tightest hug I’ve reached this year, yet as tight as the hug was, her soft tender body was enough to lessen the grip. My chest brushed against her soft, supple breasts, and I reciprocated the hug. Behind Tolu was a very harsh female voice, “is this person you’re looking for?”, Tolu rounding up her hug looked dismissively at her and said “NO!”, My thoughts raced, wondering if she had been searching for someone else and had bumped into me.

With a calm yet irritated demeanor, I asked, “Tolu won’t you introduce me to your friend?”, She obliged, saying, “Cynthia meet Tobi, Tobi Meet Cynthia”, I managed a small smile and extended my hand, “Hi Cynthia”, Cynthia hesitating, reached out her hand “Nice to meet you Tobi”, I shook her hands softly, with our hands leaving each other awkwardly.

Tolu and I tried to ignore Cynthia and started discussing trivial topics to keep the conversation going, Inwardly, I thought “No be talk I come here come talk”. Tolu receives a call, “Hello, Okay, I’m coming”, she turned to me and said “I am going to meet someone I’ll be back soon”, I nodded, “Okay hun, don’t take too long.”

Cynthia, however waited behind, casting awkward glances around the convocation ground while holding tightly a sack not spacious enough to contain the several takeaway packs of convocation rice, drinks, and souvenirs she stuffed in there. I eventually initiated a conversation, “Hi Cynthia.”, “Hey!!!”, she responded eager for a conversation, “Are you a student here?” she said taking the lead in the conversation, “Do I look like one?” I replied with a nerdy smile, she chuckled, “No that’s why I’m asking”, “Well No, I came here to see Tolu”, Cynthia seemed interested in continuing the conversation, before Tolu, who neither us was aware of her return, interrupted, “I’m tired of standing let’s go inside that classroom and sit”.

We strolled towards the classroom, which was situated on higher ground, with several steps leading to it. Once we reached the classroom entrance, a group of people gathered around Tolu, exclaiming greetings, and questions. It felt like a friendly ambush, but I was frustrated; I wanted some quiet time with Tolu. Standing beside Tolu, my back against the outside walls of the classroom, I watched as her friends formed an encircling arc, maintaining the conversation. Eager to feel Tolu’s tender body again, I moved behind her, gently placing my right hand around her waist, while preparing to keep my left hand busy on the same region. I was delicate with my touch as though I were cradling a freshly laid egg. With two hands in place, I moved closer to her body, leaving no room for air between us, and our lower bodies made direct contact. Tolu realising what I was doings wiggled her body with just enough precision till I began to feel a growing arousal.

“Tolu is this your man?” one of the talkative friends in the group asked loudly, my attention was abruptly pulled away from our intimate moment as I responded, slowly sticking out my head from the side of tolu, “No.” whiningly but I meant it. For two years, Tolu and I had been flirting without any serious discussions about a relationship. It seemed we were both just indulging in the thrill of desire, keeping our relationship confined to text messages. Disappointed by my response, the group focused their attention back on Tolu, and one by one, they dispersed, except for Cynthia, who seemed to have appointed herself as Tolu’s shadow for the day.

We finally entered the classroom, Cynthia leading the way, keeping Tolu engaged in their lively conversation, while I and Tolu finally located a pair of lecture seats with adjustable wooden slabs for writing, positioned close to the back wall, I sat next to the wall, and Tolu sat on my left. Cynthia, showing no intention of leaving Tolu’s side, stood leaning against the wall. Their endless conversation continued for about five minutes, and I began to lose hope that I would have the chance for a private moment with Tolu. Frustration grew within me.

I discreetly shifted behind Tolu and crouched down just enough to bring my lips close to her left ear. With tenderness, I planted two soft kisses on her neck, pausing between each one to savor the sensation. In a lustful whisper, I asked, “Should we stay here or find another spot? She whispered back “Let’s stay here”, giving me assurance with her beautiful eyes that Cynthia will soon go. Returning to my seat, I locked eyes with Cynthia, who appeared suspicious about what had transpired behind Tolu’s back. With a determined look, I said, “Could you give your friend and I some time to ourselves?” She didn’t hesitate, immediately responding, “No!” and emphasizing it by leaning her head forward, the “O” drawn out, concluding with, “I haven’t seen her in a long time.”

Minutes of the clock passed I waited on my seat with no intention of getting myself involved in their seemingly never-ending conversation. Suddenly, Tolu’s phone rang, she answered it, saying, “Hello, okay, I’m coming.” That was the moment when I realized there was no point in staying any longer. My social battery was depleted, and my enthusiasm for the day had run its course. I glanced at Tolu, who looked at me with apologetic eyes. I gave her a parting peck and headed for home. Thanks to Cynthia the cockblocker, It may take maybe another 2 years before me and Tolu would do what we say on text, 2 years of wasted times.

Enjoyed this exposition, clap for me! Let me also know what you think in the comments, I will be reading and replying all of it. Read this next -> X-1

This exposition is part of my latest Extended Reads(ER) titled “Torn Drafts” — check the other 3 stories here



Amoo Daniel

Writing is my therapy, leaving a part of myself in each piece.